That was not always the case, at times I was offended that there were parts of the country that thought we still did not own shoes and were uneducated. So, I set out when I entered college to prove them all wrong. At the University of Southern Mississippi, I began as a broadcast journalism major, who had not seen Broadcast News or Up Close and Personal and thought they could be a news reporter? So, I worked on “losing” my southern accent and somewhat succeeded. But, then I changed my major to Public Relations and was happy to reacquire the molasses dipped sweetness of a Mississippi debutante accent – it did not take long. Sometimes it takes growing up a bit to appreciate what you have.
In addition to the geography - beautiful mountains, rolling hills, cotton fields of the delta, marshes, swamps, bluffs and of course beautiful beaches- one of the things I love about being a southerner is the diversity of our accents and our humorous colloquialisms – which I am sure you will be hearing throughout my blog. Why do you think so many great writers are Southern? We love our language. I recommend A Glossary of Southern Accents if you get a little befuzzled.
So, for everyone’s information, I do own AND wear shoes, some very nice ones and too many my husband says. In addition, I am college educated and have CHOSEN to be a stay-at-home mom. I do see the negatives of living in the South, but can’t everyone find a negative where they are if the look? I choose to enjoy, focus on and relish the beauties of this place called the South and am proud to be one of its Belles.
Now, with this all said, I can’t wait to tell you about growing up in the South and how freakin’ funny some of this stuff is. Also, I am very excited about the holidays, I will be sharing some of my simple decorating tips and recipes that will wow all your guests this holiday season. Stay tuned!
Here is a picture of me and a picture of my hot husband with the boys. And, yes, I do have a great story to tell about meeting and marrying this awesome man.

The Park Wife
Big Buck and the Buckaroos
Welcome to Blogging! I look forward to reading your posts. Not only about your kiddos and hubby, but life in the Park. Fascinating.
I was hired to work at the Grand Canyon for a summer...didn't go, long of my regrets.
Ya'll are the best looking family! I have lost a lot of my accent. I worked hard at that when I was working in PR. I didn't like people cracking jokes about my accent. The nerve! Now when I get together with my best friend it all comes back (especially after a few glasses of wine.) ;)
You have a beautiful family! Check out my blog today and you'll get to read my story of how I met my husband. I decided to share it for our anniv. :-)
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