The big Christmas evening events have concluded at the Park for this year, but of course visitors will be coming daily for tours. So, before all the greenery dies because it is 900 degrees one day and 30 degrees the next, I thought you would enjoy more pictures from the Park during this glorious time of year.



A wealthy family settled in town and built this small log cabin until they were able to build their big, beautiful home in another part of town.

I love this picture looking in the window seeing not only a lady in formal dress with hoop skirt, but if you look closely you will see father Christmas.

Anyone up for a surrey ride?

Last, but not least, of course the evening in not complete without a skinned knee. Here we see one of the gentleman in character who took Littlest Buckaroo into the fire station to administer first aid to a bleeding knee. With the knee bandaged, we went forth to wish a "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"
Oh what fun, well except for the skinned knee.
Your park is going on my list of places to visit when I start traveling...after my farm sells.
(psst, I am having my 2nd giveaway, check Monday Night's post, closes Friday at 10pm)
We also plan to visit your "park town" sometime. Isn't it nice that someone took the time to care for your Littlest Buckaroo? That is a rarity in many places these days. You are blessed!
Betty in Frozen Oklahoma!
Thanks for sharing your pictures. I enjoyed them all , the 'inside the window' shot most of all...I think :)
I love history....thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping at my blog. I've enjoyed visiting here and I think your park looks beautiful. If looks like a place my family would enjoy visiting. We love historical places. Your boys are cute!
Thanks for stoppin' by and for the complement!! You know how to make a gal's day! I think you should still enter for the baby doll carrier even though you have boys because then you could give it as a gift! ;) If you want to enter, just leave another comment so I know. I'd love to include you!
Beautiful blog by the way! I love the photos from this post!
HA!! You really do want to be REE's best friend. You were in the top 10 comments today. ::snicker:: I was #9.
I thought that was you...
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