Saturday, February 2, 2008

Hardwork + Preparation = Naptime

We are preparing to close on our land next Friday. It is 3 hours from our current park and we plan to spend the weekend there camping out. We have been cutting wood today. Big Buckaroo has worked very hard sawing and chopping. Following the morning of work, we made a run to town to buy a chain for his chainsaw, a much better idea in my arms opinion (not that I did much, Big Buckaroo is quiet the woodsman, he is napping now).

This is the small pond on the property that is full of fish. The Little Buckaroo's are going to have so much fun fishing, skipping rocks, playing with remote control boat, etc.
This is one of the many rock walls on the property, I love rocks! But, I have a feeling my arms, back, legs, um whole body, is going to be hurting pretty bad after moving these rocks to new locations.
Thanks for all the well wishes on our new land!

Have a safe Superbowl weekend,
The Park Wife


Anonymous said...

It's beautiful already. I can only imagine that the work you will be doing will make it even more so!

Kelli said...

I love your blog and look forward to it everyday! I wanted to let you know that you have a 'questionable' ad popping up. I know how you strive to stay clean and a shining example of God's love, so I knew you would want to know!


PS Your property looks awesome and I can't wait to see how it will turn out!

OKGardners said...

I am so anxious to see how this land develops in to your GET-AWAY Home Site. The property looks wonderful. If it is 3 hours away - you really traveled away from your park area. That's quite a distance. Enjoy every minute!

Betty in Oklahoma