I, just like most moms, have great dreams for our boys. I pray that they find the occupation that they love and enjoy that uses their talents and abilities, that they have a wonderful relationship with the Lord and that they have some good friends that they can count on and that can count on them.

Little Buckaroo and Diva in Training's personalities are so much alike. They are smart, caring, and a little goofy at times.
Diva in Training is an incredible little girl, a direct reflection of how well her parents are training her and guiding her according to God's will for her life.

Littlest Buckaroo and that Littlest Diva are twos peas in a pod. They are adventurous and looking for excitement always. And, my goodness, they are too cute!

Although these two look like they are up to something, what I do know is that I hold Little Buckaroo's heart and Queen Diva holds her girls hearts. With that, I find comfort in knowing that at their young age that my sweet friend Queen Diva and I are their primary
influencers and with that, although they might have some bright idea of stepping on Jonquils or running
across the highway to see the horses, that they will take pause and do what is pleasing and obedient to us instead.

We will give them the freedom that 6-year-
old's need to run and test their boundaries, but we will always be there for when they turn around.

I love their personalities.
I am so blessed to have the Queen Diva, God brought her into my life at just the right time and she is someone that is a true friend. And, to have our boys be able to be with their girls is a privilege.
The Park Wife
Arranged marriages comes to mind! Ha!
What a blessing to have good friends like them.
Betty in Oklahoma
They are too cute!
Love these pics!! Your Queen Diva sounds like my BFF in Meridian. Our Darlings have her boys as pals and it, too, is such a joy to watch them together. I think I need to blog about them. Always inspiring me, Park Wife. Hugs!
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