So, I looked up and the books described my life for the moment:
On Cooking, A Textbook of Culinary Fundamentals - this was a gift from my certified chef mother-in-law. Um, is this a hint? I thought I was a pretty good cook. Just kidding, she was just passing on her old book when she was de-cluttering. Maybe if I read this Big Buckaroo would enjoy some new, exotic meal tonight. Um, no, it's fajita night (Cinco de Mayo).
All my child training books that I need right at my finger tips- Shepherding A Child's Heart, The Successful Homeschool Family Handbook, Jumping Ship, The Manners Guide ( a lighter, weight-wise, book that precedes pulling out the Amy Vanderbilt book) and the book every mom of boys needs (and wives of adventurous men) Wild at Heart. Now, if I had time to read them in their entirety, it seems that actually taking care of and educating our children is very time consuming.
And, home stuff like, Lowe's Home Decorating book, Creative Homeowner Kids Rooms, Desperate Households (from my home organizing stint). Always some home project going on or being planned around here.
The Shack, a very good fictional book full of truths.
Oh, and let's not forget, You Can Farm by Joel Salitan, my Eat Fresh, Eat Local, and Eat Unprocessed hero. Farmer's Market is getting ready to be launched, yep, another Park Wife project.
Who knows what will show up on the bookshelf next, mountain climbing? hang gliding? underwater basket weaving? building rock walls? Stay tuned.
What's on your bookshelf?
The Park Wife
Looking up from my computer I see four bookcases, five shelves each, totally full of books.
The rest of my books are in my computer desk, the other room and in the basement....would you like to have some of my books??? They are looking for a home, lol.
You're not scattered...just well rounded :o) I am on a historical fiction kick as of late....and I love that you have a decorating ideas binder...I have my ideas tucked away in an accordion file :o) Talk to you soon!
I am with similar problems. Actually, I love to read so if I am into a good series, I will read them entirely, but I have a bunch of random books. Right now I am reading Terri Blackstock's 911 series. Great Christian author!
The Shack!?!?
Hope you have a wonderful day with hubby and boys.
Betty in Oklahoma
PS: I got YOU a surprise that will be sent soon. I think you can use this.
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