This is how I look when I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning, at least I have a smile on my face.
We even have a sweet little girl who sells limeade, and it is YUMMY!!!!!
Handmade soap, squash, potatoes, peppers, herbs, sweet corn, cucumbers, zucchini, and so much more!
We have a wonderful 4th of July at the market celebration this Saturday. We will have free homemade ice cream and peach cobbler and other tasty delights while our customers are browsing through the farmers’ offerings of fresh produce. There will be games, firetrucks and a Yankee Doodle Kids Parade where the kids will decorate thier wagons, trikes, and bikes red, white and blue that will end at the front of our courthouse where the Declaration of Independence will be read.
Go support your local farmers and pick up picnic items you will need for your family gatherings.

Go support your local farmers and pick up picnic items you will need for your family gatherings.
You look awesome!! You rock that apron!!
Hallie :)
What a great thing you are doing in your neck of the woods. I know it's hot there, but you may be a little too H-O-T in that apron for those folks! Hugs!
Just got caught up on your life from the past couple months. Sorry I have not been posting nor reading much lately. I went to Florida and thought about you as I was traveling home. If we had not gone to Tyler, Texas to see my son, we would have run by and said hi! But I was ready to get home. Now after reading your postings, I am going to send the hubby to the farmers market to get me some fresh food. Our garden is doing great too, but we planted a little late. 52 tomoates are on the vines and growing....can't wait.
Happy summer to you and the boys.
Looks like your farmer's market is going great! How did the special July 4th day go? Wish we could've come down for some fun! :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog and seeing Camp Meme. We have enjoyed the state parks around here so much. There is alwys something to do and the programs are truly family friendly and they don't cost an arm and a leg. Day trips to the parks are really great ways to enjoy the grandchildren.
I love your blog. My daugher's two buckaroos are 8 & 4 and we really enjoy having them close by.
Your fan club is sure missing your delightful posts. Please update soon.
Betty in Oklahoma
(Member of Fan Club)
Send some photos and short write-up about your farmers market to mshepherd@farmersmarketstoday.com. I especially liked reading about your Fourth of July market activities.
Mary Shepherd, Editor
Farmers' Markets Today
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