Friday, December 21, 2007


As a SAHM, I am rarely without my children. So, when it was time to find a formal dress for the Gala we attended in October, I of course took the little buckaros with me. As an experienced shopper with children, I was armed with trains and a few other toys to keep their attention while in dressing rooms. Here is an actual conversation with Little Buckaroo in the dressing room (let me add a very busy dressing room):

Little Buckaroo: Mommy, are you going to buy that red pretty dress.
Mom: Well, I need to try it on first to see how it looks.
Little Buckaroo proceeds to play trains with his little brother as I get undressed to try on the dress. He then looks up, and says loudly
Little Buckaroo: Um, mom, your underwear is getting way too small.

Snickers abound in the dressing rooms around me. I did not buy the red dress. Since it was the same color as my face, I just did not think it was flattering. I headed over to find some Spanks after that. (Spanks are "suck-me ins" that give you that figure you wish you had). I ended up wearing black!


Anonymous said...

That is the nicest way I have ever heard anyone phrase that though :)

Very precious.

The Boy told me yesterday he thinks he teacher need Spanks. I asked him how he knew what they were, and he said, "Oh, when you try stuff on at Lane Bryant I sit and watch a promotional video about them the whole time outside the fitting room!" And here I thought it was better for him NOT to come in! NICE! Oh well....


Anonymous said...

LOL outta the mouths of babes!

~~Happy Holidays Y'all!!

Unknown said...

Oh -- that's hilarious. Too funny...

Did you wash his mouth out with soap? (I hope not.) ;)