Big Buckaroo finally decided to send the Go Kart to a professional in town that knows what they are doing, opposed to the cheap engine shop he took it to twice and it was not fixed. So, on his day off yesterday he got up bright and early, had breakfast and loaded Little Buckaroo up to go do some "Christmas Shopping" - translation: let's have an excuse to go to town and pick up the Go Kart. So, they returned all glassy eyed over the possibility of riding the Go Kart all afternoon.

The boys got all geared up, ready for action. Big Buckaroo took Littlest Buckaroo around the house 2 times and the chain flew off.

Just a chain, that can be fixed, but of course it is old and Big Buckaroo says we will need to get a new one sometime soon (cha ching). We might have to start dipping into the boys college fund soon to get this Go Kart running.

I am ready for action, too bad there is no action. Mom had to go to town and get a new chain. Maybe before next Christmas we will have it running or better yet, maybe I should get a job and start working to save for a new one. I might have my first car before we get this thing up and running.

Saturday morning fun!!!!! The new chain is on and this is Little Buckaroo's first time to ever drive it. Watch out Dale Jr. you have some major competition coming your way. You have a pretty good crew chief there too!

I must admit, I went around a few times with Littlest Buckaroo and it was fun. Yes, I do have on rubber boots (we were in the pasture) and my pajama pants (I had not got dressed yet as I did not really believe that it was going to work). Following my fun ride, Big Buckaroo hopped on like a kid in a candy store and took off. At the end of his first lap, something sprung or slipped or some engine technical mumbo jumbo happened. Yet, again, the Go-Kart is down.

All the excitement or lack there of just wore out Littlest Buckaroo. I talked him out of wearing the knee pads and elbow pads for his nap but he insisted on his new helmet. (Don't worry, right after he fell asleep and I took the picture, I removed the helmet)
I am blessed that I have a husband that spends all his time off with us, he does not hunt alot, fish all weekend, hang out with the guys, etc. I know that when I can not find him in the house that I have to look no further than the barn where he is working on some part of that blasted Go-Kart.
And the Go Kart Debacle Continues........
Cool for the little guys :)
Oh, and you look like you had fun too!
Merry Christmas dear friend!
Hello from Atlanta ... I'm sitting in Atlanta with my Little 37-yr-old Buckaroo, David!
I love the memories you are making and will always have to look back on and smile about. That go-cart has sure provided your family with a lot of fun and frustration. What good times together! (Good and bad)
We got to Atlanta last night after a long drive from Memphis. We are looking forward to making a lot of fun memories while we are here.
Talk soon! Betty in (Atlanta) Oklahoma
I agree with Betty...wonderful memories are being made!
Oh that's hilarious!! We've currently got a "90" 4-wheeler in our basement... awaiting... something or other, before it will run. LOL
Yeah... we spend a lot of money on those toys (we've got an 80 too)... but it keeps the big guy home... and we love it! He loves us too -- and shows it by keeping the 4 wheelers running!
My dear husband put tie down straps on the back of the toys with the littles guys first drive... then it slows them down -- and he doesn't have to run so fast beside/behind them. LOL When I saw your hubby running along side -- IT TOOK ME BACK! Ha ha...
THANKS for sharing. °Ü°
That's so cute that he insisted on wearing his helmet for the nap!
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