Idea: If you will look at the second stocking from the left, that is Little Buckaroo's. I used two of his shirts, one flannel and one denim, from when he was a baby to make his stocking.
This is from the trunk of our Charlie Brown Christmas tree. I will write the year and which Park we are living at on here. You can make tree ornaments out of it if you like the rustic look or put them in a bowl to display each year (when you have a few years worth).
We did cut down our Charlie Brown Christmas tree yesterday and I will take pictures of the boys decorating it today. Have a wonderful day and let's remember what the true meaning of the season is!
What a beautiful Christmassy setting to celebrate in!
I like your blog - the effort you put forth really does shine through.
Oh, Oh, Oh...what a NEAT idea about the Christmas Tree cutting. Wowza!!
HEY -- your decorations are so beautiful... you should enter the 2007 Christmas Tour of Homes over at boomama's site (December 17th). Check it out!!
I love your Christmas Charm!
Simply beautiful, PW! (Wait a second...your blog initials are the same too! You didn't mention that to P-Dub...I bet it would be the clencher!).
Anywho...lovin' the decs around your home. That stocking idea is great.
Oh I was going to suggest the same thing as Jennifer!
I have a button with a link to 2007 Christmas Tour of Homes on my sidebar.
I'm doing giveaways this month. First one posted yesterday.
Your fireplace looks great. I struggle with mine every year - can't seem to get the garland to stay up there. I guess it isn't deep enough.
If P-Dub won't be your best (blog) friend, I will - but you'd have to REALLY lower your expectations for that....
Wow that looks great. I just found
your blog & I like it I will check back daily I think
Have a good time decorating.
Tis the season
Very classy. Glad to see one of us is on the ball! So very MARTHA of you to do the mantle like that ;)
I just love your tree cuttings ornaments - what a fantastic idea!
I'm sorry that I cannot support your campaign to be P-Dub's best friend, as it is in direct conflict with my campaign to become P-Dub's best friend, have my husband become MM's best friend, move to the ranch, and live happily ever after.
Renee in Seattle
Your mantle is beautiful and what a cute idea for the stocking, but I am totally in love with the idea of a piece of the trunk of the tree made into an ornament. What an awsome idea!
I love your beautiful Christmas decor and your lovely pictures!
I caught up on the last month of your blog and just wanted to leave a comment about your decorating.
Also, two of my brother's are in the park service, both at Glacier National Park, although the younger one worked at Yosemite as well.
And I have four older brothers.
Maybe we should be best friends... Then again, I'm single with no children and live in the city still. So you should stick with PW. But we can still be buddies.
I like your blog too.
I feel kind of dorky when I see how beautiful your decor is... and even dorkier (is that a word) when I learn that you made your child's stocking from his baby cloths.
You're really talented (as well as being a debutante)!
Thanks for coming to visit on my blog today!
We had a very Charlie Brown type tree our first year we were married. We bought it at Fred's discount store because we waited until the LAST minute to buy a tree and we were broke but wanted a real one. ;)
Our tree is now fake, courtesy of Papa (my dad.) Hey, it was free and it's HUGE. But I do love a real tree.
I love the stocking idea you Martha girl you! Your decorations look great.
How beautiful!! Looks gawgeous!!
Love, love, love your fireplace! That looks so festive! We don't have a fireplace, so the stockings hang on a coat rack behind our front door. Yeah, real festive. :-)
And I LOVE the way you made your son's stocking! What a great way to preserve some babyhood!
Thank you for commenting on my blog. We're not yet sure if we're moving. It's such a huge decision. I think we'll know by 1/1...stay tuned.
I kept the post from our tree too, and grabbed one from the ground thinking 'Maybe I'll do something fabulous with this.' I have no idea WHAT to do with my 2 fabulous tree stumps with red painted on one side. Our tree is courtesy of Home Depot. haha So I WON'T be writing that on the stump. lol
I wanted to go to a tree farm, but we didn't! Oh well! Your Charlie Brown tree is delightful and your decor is awesome too!! Go Martha go!! hee hee
Oh, I meant tree stumps not posts. Can you tell I am thinking blog-thoughts! haha
thanks for visiting my blog!
PW is that a TOOLBOX on your mantelpiece??? Looks like the one that my marlboro man has in his shed!
and that sounded bad when I read it back but if you can 'martha stewart' a toolbox, so can I! So my hubby has just lost one of many toolboxes!!
Thanks for the great idea.
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