He was very appreciative and made them feel like it cost a million dollars. So, why in the world did I only get 4 comments on my prepping for the love story that includes this incredible man? I guess I will just hold off on it for a while, or maybe not. Check back this week and see.

Littlest Buckaroo loved the noise makers, imagine that, a Buckaroo making noise.
What is that you said Littlest Buckaroo? Oh, you are trying to get their attention with all the noise to ask why there were only 4 comments on the build up to a great love story (I know it is shameless to put words into my 2-year-olds mouth).

Little Buckaroo loves his MiMi. Thanks MiMi for the wonderful lunch and BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!!
It was a great time and we brought back a little buckaroo cousin with us for a few days.
Mommy Lion, Big Buckaroo's cousin, along with her mom and two little ones are coming for a visit tomorrow, we are all excited about seeing them since we have not seen them in a year. Expect pictures and stories on both of our blogs later in the week.
Until tomorrow,
The Park Wife
My Father-in-Law always takes the little ones to The Dollar Tree to by Christmas presents for us. They get so excited to pick out stuff for themselves.
By the way I like the story and can't wait to here the rest. :)
Don't keep us waiting. Sometimes folks visit our blogs and don't leave comments. So.... please don't punish your faithful followers. We love you!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Big Buckaroo. I love that the boys bought their Daddy some gifts that they picked out. You can't beat that!
I better get off here, we are having a HORRIBLE RAINSTORM that just hit. I need to turn off the computer. (We have lost a few to lightning strikes in the past!) HAIL is hitting now ...........
Betty in Stormy Oklahoma
Awww, Im sorry for not commenting! I have been reading for sometime and I do look forward to the next chapter! Keep 'em coming! Don't punish us :O)
I've been reading you for some time. I don't remember if I commented on the first part of your story. I alwasy enjoy finding people who are happily married. We hear entirely too much about those who aren't happy.
Happy Birthday Buckaroo
Please keep writing your story. I really enjoyed it.. ok?
Martha.. Ala. Grandmother
I have a perfectally good excuse for not commenting all week. I was on vacation!
Happy Birthday to Big Buckaroo, and worry not, you are doing the right thing, not an easy thing, which is why most of us don't do it!
Oh man - I'm a faithful reader - just not a commenter. You know - those who can - write, those who can't read! ..... or something like that. Mea culpa I love reading your stories - especially since I know the places:) My husband was born in Oxford, a die hard Ole Miss fan forever, my son is an Ole Miss grad - so when my daughter was making decisions about college - she opted for Southern Miss too. We live at the top of the state - so that was really going away to college. She enjoyed her first year of freedom - but transferred and graduated from Ole Miss. But she too, made many "quick" trips to New Orleans:)
Happy Birthday to Big Buckaroo too!
Joan in Mississipi
Happy Birthday to your Buckaroo - I'm enjoying your story, can't remember if I commented or not... I have a little one that is teething so my brain isn't functioning on all 8 cylinders! :)
So glad Big Buck and the boys had a great time so close to ME in NORTH TEXAS! Ha! I know the boys enjoyed a chance to shop for dad for themselves and I love the graciousness with which Big Buck accepted their gifts. Oh! and DON'T PUNISH THE MASSES with threats of not giving new life excerpts soon. On second thought, kudos to you, it was a good ploy to get others to comment. Mission Accomplished!!! Can't wait to see new Buckaroo adventures.
I am loving hearing your love story! After you graduated, did you use your degree in Journalism? Thanks for sharing!
seems like you've had quite the week so far w/ Pops, Cuzaroo, & Mommy Lion & crew! I can't wait to see ya'll myself!! I love reading the love story...I've never heard it before! And just so you know...I read everyday, even if I dont' comment!! I love it!! Hugs!!
That's great that the boys picked out gifts for their Daddy! I can't wait until my son can do that!:) I think that is really special.
Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to Big Buckaroo and the Buckaroo's mommy too! (I know I'm at least in the right month:)
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