There was much running around getting myself and the Little Buckaroo's ready to go so we could get in the car as soon as Big Buckaroo got home. I was very proud of myself because I had remembered that I was in charge of the thank you card for our TNT leader, I even handmade it yesterday afternoon. I had all the VBS material that I was to pass on to our friend Susanna and the kids in the car and we were not going to be late!
Then.... as we drove up, I realized I had forgotten my camera! What kind of blog mama am I? How was I going to share just how cute Little Buckaroo was up there singing his Cubbie songs. So, you are just going to have to take my word for it, he was great!
This morning after our morning snuggle time, Littlest Buckaroo started getting into his brothers Cubbie stuff. Since I had only started on my first cup of coffee, I did not see what he was doing. His brother just laughed and encouraged him saying that in another year he was going to get to be a Cubbie. And, then I thought, I better grab the camera, will this redeem my non-Cubbie shots of Little Buckaroo from last night? Probably not. But, this is what I saw that I had to share....

To the future of Cubbies!
The Park Wife
P.S. I am still going to blog very often, just not EVERY day, so please keep coming around.
I remember when Lil Logan was in the cubbies. He just doesn't want to go to Awana anymore. I have got to find a way to get him more interested.
What great memories you are stocking up. I love it. That LITTLEST BUCKAROO looks adorable in his big brother's outfit - shoes and all. Glad you have a picture to keep.
You decide when and if you want to blog and just do whatever you decide. No pressure. Thanks for another delightful blog entry.
Your friend,
Betty in Oklahoma
If you blog... we will come :)
I come everyday. May only read real quick, not comment, but I always read.
He's adorable.
Thanks for visiting me, and your little guy is so cute!
How cute is that!
Little Lion has so loved Cubbies this year. I'm so impressed with their ability to retain so much! We still have a few weeks left. . . speaking of which, we need to get busy on this weeks verse . . .oops a little behind.
Just as long as we get to hear the end of your story!!
this pic is one of many that proves I have the cutest nephews EVER! I love that Big Buckaroo has his own signature hightops!!
Too cute!
My kiddos loved Awanas when they were younger. Now, we're all about youth group. Time flies!
Hey! Cute post! I helped with Cubbies once in AWANA. My church has an AWANA program that I used to help in, but then my family moved into my college town, about 30 miles from our church, so we can't afford to run over there more than once a week, so AWANAs if off the list. It's sad, but OK, because I might not have been able to help even if we hadn't moved, because my school might have gotten in the way.
Anyway, just thought I'd say, I like your blog (well, obviously I said more than that... but whatever.).
Have a great weekend!
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