Little Buckaroo wanted to get in on the action and asked if he could have a garden this year. I am all for child labor, no not in China, but at my house our boys already help clean bathrooms, make their beds, clean their own rooms and help with laundry. They are only 2 and 5. But, if we want to grow them into responsible young men we can not wait until they are 12 and decide that we are going to make the be responsible. And, squash, zucchini, tomatoes last for a season, growing Godly men is an every day responsibility that will last a lifetime. His grace has truly been upon us.

But, look at this squash plant people, isn't it beautiful??? Remember, I have not sprayed anything on it or used any type of non-organic fertilizer.
However, we do have garden robbers around. This is a perfect example of what a gopher can do. And, look! I can grow some beautiful weeds too.
Then there are the tomato plants, yes, it is resting on the ground. I have no explanation for the death of these plants, well except for my brown thumb.
HARVEST! Look at all the squash! I really don't have enough recipes to use all this squash for, so if you have any ideas, please email me or drop by and pick up a basket for yourself.
Going to weed the garden,
The Park Wife
Those are SOOOOOO pretty. I bought one little tiny one yesterday and paid too much at the grocery store!
We like them raw on salads, and I also throw them into a chicken pot pie type dish I make. (Sometimes I don't even use meat, just a lite creamy white sauce in the summer) I don't know that I ever wrote down a recipe, I just make a white sauce and add some parm cheese to it, then throw in some cooked summer veggies and serve it with biscuits.
Squash is the BEST! I wish we had grown some this year!!
You are doing a great job, giving your children responsibility at a young age. More parents should do this!! Ours do what yours do and I hope that they grow to be responsible and on fire for the LORD! :)
That boy is already a farmer with good crops! Good for him! (Round of applause!!!)
Your yellow squash look good. Your soil must be very fertile to have the flowers (daffodils) and other items you grow. Isn't that a blessing!
I sent you a large group of pictures. Hope you enjoy them.
Betty in OK
love the park rangers description of your, I do hope you are using the child labor in the kitchen too!!
I love summer squash. Sauted in butter with a little garlic and/or onions.....ummmmmm!
I worked at a college for 18 years and I can tell you that the biggest thing missing in our youth is the two R's....responsibility and respect. You are doing God's work by teaching your boys those two R's. Bless you! Marge
Greetings from the Tulsa Ok area. I saw you listed on Road Sage blog and thought I would come over for a visit. Like what I saw too by the way. I am already jealous of you...1)you live in a state park! 2) your have veg in your garden!
I am a retired police from NW Oklahoma, married to a retired fire fighter. We both would love to be at a state park taking care of it,but just have not figured out how to do it. Have not had time to really look into it. Maybe sometime you can give some suggestions to me.
You have a very nice blog and far as the squash goes, I just love mine fried. Not healthy, but love it. And of course made into bread.
Have a great week, and I will be seeing more of you via the blogging world.
Thank you. You know for what sweet dear friend.
wow..what a BEAUTIFUL garden..and oh i have a great idea!!! share some with moi :) hope to see you a VBS manana!!
I can't believe you already have squash! We don't even have buds yet on our squash plants. We DID have a marble-sized tomato. My husband excitedly reached down to show me, and it fell off the plant at his touch. Nice ...
Your squash looks great. This gal has a post today about a liquid compost for your garden. She says it makes everything grow and is totally organic.
I can hardly believe you have yellow squash already. My garden is just barely out of the ground, but we had late freezes up here in Michigan. I love yellow squash sauted with a little butter and lemon juice. I also love it combined in a saute with peppers and green onions - mmmmm, mmmm, good :) I really enjoy reading your blog. God bless you. Elizabeth S. in mid-Michigan
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