Whenever I am having one of THOSE days, all I have to do is talk to her and things are better. She never hesitates to pray with me, talk me through how I am feeling and at the end, I feel understood, calmer and at peace.
All that to say, she and I took our little ones on an outing together last week. She has two beautiful, intelligent, loving girls who mesh perfectly with the Buckaroos. So where did we go? Chuck E. Cheese, um, no, we both have germ phobias. To the playground, no, it is MUGGY outside. We took the kids to the post office for an educational tour.
Hey, I remember when a stamp cost 22 cents back in 1985. I really like sending correspondence through the mail, it is what is appropriate in many instances, but man, if gas does not get us, stamps will.

She even let the kids get in a "postal jeep" and pretend to drive. Isn't the Divine Miss M just precious? Oh, and that child's heart is just as beautiful as that smile. She is a blessing to her parents, they work very hard training her and her sweet spirit is a direct reflection of her mother's spirit.
And, here come the Buckaroos. Of course they had to test out the horn....52 times. Yes, it did work, every time. We ended up with a coloring book of stamps, knowledge of how we get our mail, and 4 kids who were hungry!
Although we thought we got out of going to the playground, we ended up at McDonald's. So, after some food, they got to go on the playground. The muggy, germ filled playground.
But, that's alright, Dore' and I are proper southern ladies, we don't sweat, we glisten. And so did the kids after I sanitized them down when we got in the car.I will have the top ten things I learned this week from 5th and 6th graders at VBS soon. We have one more day and who knows what I will be able to add to the list.
The Park Wife
I have a friend named Marella, who is just the same kind of friend as Dore'. I called her from DC while having a melt-down and she prayed with me and made me laugh. Friends are a gift from the Lord.
That looked like a pretty neat trip for a post office. :o)
My Daddy was a mail man and I can remember, being able to just walk into the back of the post office and find him sorting mail, getting ready for his route.
You can't do that these days.
I also remember him coming home at about 10:30 everyday to eat peanut butter and crackers. SOmetime he would tell me to go look in the mail car and he would have live chickens back there. Now that was fun to find. :o)
Ok germ phobias, I love you even more! I knew we were kindred spirits as moms!
Funny thing is, I am posting photos of our trip little by little, and the next post has The Boy at a Postal museum in Ohio with a unique mail truck. Watch for it later and show the Bucks, they will think it's cool. I will post it soon.
Cool tour. I like Chicken Friend. She rocks.
Oh, I am not a southern lady, but I wish I could be. I sweat. Yuck
Looks like a fun field trip with the 4 little ones. I'm sure they were impressed to go there.
Actually, stamps are the biggest bargain around. Have you thought of the places our letters can go for just a few cents? I've always been an advocate for the post office - possibly because I was a secretary who frequented the post office through my decades-long career.
You are definitely home schooling your little Buckaroos in a practical and smart way. You go, Teacher Mom!
Betty in Oklahoma
I know you sweat... I was just teasin ya. I used to try to hide the fact that I am so hormonally screwed up. Now I just embrace it! haha Not like I can hide it anyhow when I am DRIPPING!
Thanks for stopping over, always good to see ya my friend.
How fun. Was this something specific to this post office or do you think any post office would do it? I would never have thought to go there for a field trip!
YOU are my jewel in the desert dear. I love you :) and your precious precious precious family.
Those kind of friends are the best. You are lucky to have her and may you be blessed with many years of friendship to come. I lost mine to cancer Sept. 6th and my life has not been the same since. I miss her so much and still cry. It is all for selfish reasons I know, but I do miss what we had. I find your blog very uplifting thanks for letting me share in a little piece of it.
Something remotely about you and Chicken Friend on my blog :)
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