Then came the aquatic lesson, sink or swim. Their is a life lesson in here people so don't go thinking we did not do any educating on our first day of school.
Our guy is a brave warrior! He did not hesitate trying tubing for the first time and after going once with his dad, decided that he could do it all by himself, and he did it like a champ! I think I might be in for some stressful, worrisome times with these two boys. I better not tell them what extreme sports are.
Next lesson, you can always trust your father. No matter what kind of bumps come along.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3 :5-6
Now, this is a lesson in humility, Big Buckaroo threw me in the lake and I still let him take a picture of me. Hey, it's all about that little boy right there (not the BIG girl in the tube).
Many kids go to the local pool and have swim lessons, we State Park folks just throw them in a lake and say swim. Now, now people, we do have life preservers on them.

On the way home, Little Buckaroo said, "Mommy, I think I am dreaming, this has been the greatest day of my life." After pinching him to ensure him that he was awake, all I said is "Welcome to Kindergarten big guy, we are in for one big adventure!"
His grace is overwhelming!
The Park Wife
And now what will you do for day two since day one was so wonderful? Ha ha!
Looks like you all had a wonderful day - that's our kind of day, too!
Blessings! Dawn
Wow, I wish my first day of kindergarten was that fun! Oh, I just wish today were that fun!! :)
Wow, what an education those little guys are going to get. There is so much more than reading and writing, but I am glad to see you do keep all pretty well balanced. School with out play is just no fun at all. Good for you!
AND did daddy skip work to take them to their first day of school?
So when to start enrollment? I'll be sending Little Lion beginning next fall! *wink*
What a wonderful day. Wish my first day of school had been that much fun.
What an absolutely wondrous way to introduce him to the world of schooling! Great job, mom and dad!!
Fun, fun. No tears for Mom or boy on this first day of school.
I read this to The Boy and now he wants to be home schooled. I said ok but I wasn't swimming in a lake ;)
You rock. And fyi, I didn't see any "big girls" in this post my dear.
Unlike me - little buckaroo will remember his first day of kindergarten! No doubt teachable moments are everywhere!!
Happy first day of kindergarten! Oh, what an education those buckaroos are going to get!
Proverbs 3:5-6 are some of my favorite verses. With those verses in mind as you teach them, you will all be blessed.
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