"Oh, I am sorry Tonto, did I disturb your beauty rest?" If pig looks could kill! I did not even phase Lucky, he was out!
Then, as I giggled walking back in to tell the boys about the funny thing I had just seen, I saw this!
Can any of you other homeschool moms, creative grandma's (Betty, I am talking to you!) or crafty gals, let me in on what I am supposed to do with our 2 1/2 year old while trying to homeschool our older child? Oh, and please have your idea not include magic markers.
Who knows what today will hold at this crazy house!
The Park Wife
You should be writing a kids book - the pig/dog relationship is book worthy!!
Oh my goodness that is the cutest thing!! I agree you could write a book "Lucky and Tonto The Adventures of a Dog And His Pig!"
Maybe you should start Littlest Buckaroo on some pre-school stuff and have him so school at the same time.
I think the pig just found a warm place to sleep if ya know what I mean ;)
The little Indian Boy took war paint to a new level eh?!
Betty, reporting in --
I will ask my daughter what she does with younger ones while she is homeschooling her other children. I'm sure she can answer that question for us. I'll let you know.
Did you get the markers OFF his face? That must have been a big chore. I wish you well on THAT project...
Those pictures of Lucky & Tonto are outstanding! So cute and maybe you should write "The Adventures of a Dog and his pig, Tonto!" Sounds like a great idea to me.
Betty in Oklahoma
Grandmother of 13 - so far!
So out of curiosity, are you planning on making Tonto a Christmas ham. And if you are, how will that impact the Buckaroos or even Lucky?
Me thinks the pig is getting a little friendly with the domesticated family members!
Did the marker come off? For any other surface I'd recommend Magic Erasers - they truly are "magic" but I don't think their recommended for use on toddlers' faces!
LOL! Those are great shots! As far as the marker part... haven't a clue, but if you know how to get it off a leather couch please pass that info along! :)
washable markers rock!
I found this so amusing that my blog for the day was about your blog:) Some things you just have to share....
Love ya!
The color wonder markers are great too! No scrubbing there! *wink*
Loving the Lucky and Tonto. I agree, this is definitely book worthy material!
That is adorable!
The marker...I personally lock them up in my house as the little ones draw on EVERYTHING with them! Crayons are enough to deal with.
For keeping the little one busy...I am going to work with my 4 year old mostly in the morning and at nap time for the little one. She doesn't need a full 6 hours plus of schooling and is very bright already. Nap time usually lasts 3 hours in this house anyway. Otherwise we will be doing things together with her to help her get a head start on schooling. She is super bright already..I am sure she knows more than she is letting on.
We start school on the 25th ..so check in with me at the end of that week..lol. (My hubby will be working nights by then so it really should be intersting around here!)
This just makes my day. I don't know which one if funnier, the pig and the dog or your kid on the warpath. Looks like he is painting his face to go off to fight. That is really cute. I also hope it washes off pretty easily....???? I didn't homeschool, so I can not give you any advise on what to do with little while you are working with big. I will ask my sil who home schooled her two till this year when she took a teaching job.
THAT is why I don't allow markers in my house! Crayons and colored pencils only, please!
OK, so I'm kidding - but those markers are CLOSELY supervised - hee hee!!
Not a homeschooling mama, but my youngest always liked to do "Homework" when his brothers did, so we bought some age-appropriate workbooks for him, and let him loose with them. Then while I helped the others, he could do his think, then come show me his "homework".
hahahaha - littlest B is so cute. Aunt A did something similar with a real black magic marker when she was little - Got the wall too. Nanny was mad...
Love the picture of Lucky. :o) "Tonto snuggles up to Lucky in hopes that Lucky will protect him in the weeks to come"
I came across this post today and thought of you. I hope maybe you can get a few ideas from it!
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