We are all fine from Ike, thanks for all of you who sent messages of concern. The wind was ferocious resulting in many limbs down in the Park and in our little town and a power outage until mid-afternoon. We spent most of the morning helping our neighbors with limbs, so we did not miss the electricity too much. When the power came back on, the Buckaroos were a bit disappointed, they thought it was fun!
On Saturday afternoon, the day the hurricane weather was arriving (it did not get bad until during the night) our Park had an event celebrating state park's anniversary. So, we dressed up and went to the old courthouse for the event. Big Buckaroo did a great job on his speech and introducing the head of state parks. I was so proud to be there, as the Park Wife (naturally to support my hubby and the Park staff) and as a recipient of the incredible work that state parks does for our state. We have an extraordinary state park system with many beautiful parks. I urge you to visit the parks in your area and create memories that will last a lifetime, I am going to!
We concluded the celebration at the park restaurant where there was cake and ice cream, and well, cupcakes for the kids. Now, I do try to serve our family the healthiest food possible~ we have a garden, raise pastured poultry (meat chickens) and layers for fresh eggs, pigs (no I am not talking about Tonto) and there was even the goat meat episode (that will never happen again!). But, just to show you I am a cool mom, look at how much Littlest Buckaroo enjoyed his cupcake.

I am one rockin' mom!
The Park Wife
Well at least you give them a well balanced diet. I mean what is a diet without cupcakes?
I agree ... you ARE a rockin' Mom! You have such a fun family, and state park opportunities that many folks never take advantage of.
Keep on keepin' on! (Finish your Love Story...please....)
Betty in Oklahoma
Sounds like a fun time and your little guy is so cute. Better not tell him that frosting makes him look like he's been in your make-up bag! Ha!
Glad you all weathered the ill effects of Ike okay.
I miss the piggy.... :(
Glad you guys made it through! *smile* We were truly blessed also. . .
Looks like you guys had a great time. I'm pretty sure you are a rockin' mom all the time ~ cupcakes or not! *wink*
What cupcake frosting? Isn't that strawberry juice? Five fruits a day, you know.
Glad you survived the storms. I feel so bad for those who had damage, or even lost their homes.
Yes, we are very blessed to have not suffered as those in Texas did. Nor did we experience the tornadoes that others did. We get a little nice rain, but the winds came in Sunday night pretty strong. No damage, all is well. I am going to come visit your park real soon. Was telling my hubby about it and even my parents want to come. So we might see you someday in the near future!!!!
ps, the pink icing is too funny. He does look like he was trying out your lipstick!!!! Blackmail picture...file away for later!!
Ok, it has been a week and we are missing you, the buckaroos and of course Lucky and Tonto. We need update pitures on all.
Music ... fa la la la la .....
"Oh, where, oh, where has my Park Wife Gone???
Oh, where, oh, where could she be?????
With her cute turned up nose and her cute little clothes, oh where, oh where could she be?????
"With her HUNK husband and two little boys, oh where, oh where has she gone?"
".... and don't forget the pink pig!? The End
Betty in Oklahoma
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