The Divine Miss M with Little Buckaroo. This child's spirit and behavior is just as beautiful as that sweet face. I am blessed to have such a wonderful, Godly family in my life.
Although it has been a bit cooler, the high school band did not wear their uniforms, um, people we live in the SOUTH!!!!
What is a parade without pretty girls? And, don't you just love the fact that they are sitting on hay bales with a local farm cattle brand behind them. Small towns rock.

O.K., this is the worst photo attempt of the day, but with one child in my lap because of the loud firetruck siren, this is the best I could do. It was my favorite float of the day. The white haired lady in the red top is the Fair Queen from the local nursing home! How much do you love that? It gives me hope that one day I will wear a tiara.
If I don't get to wear a tiara, I can always wear a red hat! These women have FUN! For those who don't know about the Red Hat Society Ladies, it is an over 50 women's society who encourage fun, silliness, creativity, and friendship in middle age and beyond. I am going to pre-register for membership!
Littlest Buckaroo's favorite part of the parade... TRACTORS!!!!!!
The parade gang!
Fun was had by all, we are looking forward to the holiday parade now!
Stay tuned (all 3 Park Wife readers) for our rodeo fun details and The Love Story continuation,
The Park Wife
I wanted to let you know you have more than 3 readers! I just don't always post a comment. I do enjoy your site and am looking forward to more of your "Love story." thanks for sharing- and GO McCain and Palin!
Oh it does look like a lot of fun to be had. This week is the Tulsa State Fair and I can't wait to go. But I did decide to wait for the weather to cool off. Hopefully this next week it will happen. I have not been to this fair for over 30 years, do you think anything has changed???? Can't wait to hear more of the Love Story!!!! Get to typin'
I love, love small town parades. That's what I grew up with and they "take me back" instantly. Looking forward to your rodeo pictures!
Sorry, Sorry :) I have been trying to catch up on my reader.
I so love a good fair :) We have a fairest of the fair contest every Monday starting Fair week. I wonder why we don't have a parade?
Just rushed in from Atlanta and Memphis trip... I'm one of your MANY readers. (LOL) I love the parade pix.
Once in a VERY small town in Texas (Wolfe City) - there was a parade with about 10 little kids in home-made cardboard box "horses" around them. They marched down the street and then turned around and came back from the other way. Now THAT was cute! We loved it!
My 3 kids were very small. One highlight of the day was to find money in sawdust piles. Becky in Memphis found the MOST quarters in the pile and they did a newspaper article about her winnings! Small town USA.
Betty in Oklahoma
thank you :) and you are way too kind..and oh my..where would I be without you?! hope to catch up this week.
I'm behind on reading blogs, but you just reminded me...I can join the red hats this year :OD wooohoooo!!!!
Love ya!
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