A mud puddle has a magnetic draw for little boys.

I am thankful that our boys are able to be outside running around, exploring.

I want the Buckaroo's to live a life that in their heart they know they have what it takes to be the man God created them to be.
To seek adventure....
To be fearless...

And to know how to use a washing machine!
Have a great Day!
The Park Wife
Oh my goodness.....that is too funny. Do you ever get those clothes really clean after a day like that? Looks like a pretty good mud hole at that. Where is that darn, cute little pig Tonto and Lucky? Were they not out there enjoying they benefits of two boys and a mud puddle?
FEARLESS....I think they might have the market on that one.
We had a discussion about kids and mud puddles yesterday. A school group was out and the teachers were insisting the kids go around it. Personally, I like the little Buckaroos method...the muddier the better!
How fun!
Oh I love those pictures!!!
I don't no any little boys that just can't resist to jump & play
I should no I am a mother of three son's
Those of us who were allowed to play in mud and make mud pies are the ones who enjoyed life to the fullest.
You Go, Mama! Let those little boys be mudders. They will never forget these fun days.
Betty in Oklahoma
Hey, great blog. Your brother and I went to high school together and just reconnected on Facebook. He shared you blog with me. Looks like we have some things in common.
I'm baaaack ...
Always looking for more cute daily life stories from you.
Take care,
Betty in Oklahoma
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