I played college soccer and have coached and refereed more soccer games than David Beckham has tattoos. I was not an exceptional soccer player, but I really loved it.
I even have a soccer ball tattoo on my ankle.

Ooooh, my mom is so proud. Now, let's not go judging that homeschool mom with a tattoo, GASP!!!!!! I am still a Southern Belle that loves the Lord....just have a little ink on my ankle.
As the Buckaroo's got to the age to play in organized leagues, we have introduced them to various sports, even though I would love to outfit them in the best soccer gear and explain to them that real football is really soccer and there is no need for basketball goals or tennis rackets. Big Buckaroo keeps me in check.
We let them choose one sport a year, we don't believe in over-scheduling. Gas prices fluctuate too much for we rural folks to be driving all over town every afternoon and it interferes in spending our days indoors teaching our first grader to split atoms and clone the cat, I love homeschool stereotypes.
We want to find what their bent is, what they are good at and what they love to do, not what every kid on the block is doing. Well, we live in a state park so there are not many kids on our block, but you get my point.
Little Buckaroo liked soccer last year and chose to play again this year. Of course, I had to be the coach because herding cats on a soccer field is my idea of party time.

We went to see one of my dearest friends who works at the city park office to sign the boys up. She got Littlest Buckaroo a jersey too because that's the way she rolls when she sees those sweet blue eyes. I jokingly told her to tell the guy in charge to stack my team please.
Oh, it got stacked alright. The majority of the teams are all boys with one girl. Lord thank you for the lesson I have received ~ Our team has 3 girls and 3 boys with 2 of the boys being half the size of all the other players. But, that has not stopped our fun!

They get to run and kick a ball, sometimes into their own goal, more often in the other teams goal. See, I am learning, I am not expecting Pele' here, I want my kids to have fun, learn the game and teamwork. O.K., I do want them to win too, let's be real here.

Jesus told us to become humble, to make ourselves like the children.
Learning from my kids (and praying they don't get a soccer ball tattoo),
The Park Wife
Yes-I love the humble attitudes of kids.
Nice tattoo, you rebel, you!
Great post! Kids are wonderful teachers. We need to have a soccer game sometime. The boys and I would love to learn how to play.
What a wonderful post!
Very tasteful tat also!~
I like your tatoo. AND I am impressed that you played soccer in college and coach soccer.
A little ink never hurt anybody. Thanks for stopping by Journaling Woman. It was good to see you there.
Man, you're all hardcore with the tat and stuff! I experienced soccer this year with my 6 year old and completely understand your post. Those kids were so stinkin' supportive of each other and had awesome attitudes about winning AND losing. Too bad the parents didn't follow suit. Lesson in humility, for sure. =)
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