One of my favorite things about the holidays is receiving cards in the mail. From picture postcards to a Christmas letter, it is fun to catch up with friends and family that you do not see or hear from regularly. With electronic communications, people don't write letters much anymore. Emily Post would cringe if she knew that people did not send thank you notes anymore and that they even sometimes send a thank you note via email. Gasp!
(Note to self: Write thank you notes and mail them.)
I thought about doing a Christmas letter, but everything I thought to write was already on my blog. Whenever I am talking to my mom who lives 7 hours away about something that the Buckaroo's did, she says "I know, I saw it on your blog". So, I just sent a picture card, it will last on everyone's refrigerator for a month or so probably.
Anyway....back to the point. A few days before Christmas I went to the mailbox and there was a package. I love me a package in the mail, woo hoo. Then, I looked at the return address to see who it was from.

Oh Mercy, can you read that? Yep, it says Pioneer Woman. Uh huh. No, I have never won anything on her blog, actually I am incredibly unlucky, don't take me to a casino, not a good luck charm.
I tried hard not to rip the package open right there by the road. So, I ran back up to the house.
After I caught my breath (whew, resolution #1 again this year- get in shape), I calmly sat down and ripped the envelope open!

Here is the kicker, it is a medium. Um, no that is not going to fit to well. I could wear it, but they might be signing me up to work at Hooters (I am sorry Keenan, our preacher reads my blog).
So, I am going to re-gift it! I have o.k.'d this with P-dub's team member Nanci. It would be a shame for it to just sit on the back of a chair and look at it when someone could be wearing it!

So, here is the deal. You can enter a few ways, do all of them and you can get your name in the hat 4 times:
1- Leave me a comment telling me why you should get this awesome shirt.
For Arkansas residents, the No shirt, No Shoes, No Service reason is valid. The Park Wife is always trying to promote commerce. My contribution to spurring the economy and I don't even have to spend a trillion bazillion dollars.
2-Blog about the giveaway.
3-Become a friend of The Park Wife on Facebook.
4- Follow Me! If you already do, let me know, one more entry!
Feel free to hit ‘em all. The more the merrier! Let me know which ones you do!
Contest ends Friday, January 15 and I will post the winner soon after. Then, I will put it in a cute envelope and mail it so you will feel the rush I did when I received it in the mailbox.
If you do not wear a medium, still try to win. The shirt can be the traveling PW shirt that goes from home to home. Now, that is a fun idea. But, I am not going to tell one of you skinny things out there that you can not wear it if you win.
Now, on to 2010. I am going to try to keep up my blog a little better and I am hoping to get a spot on an interview panel for The Ranchelor, I love matchmaking! Oh, and I want world peace.
Craving Hooter's hot wings,
The Park Wife
Ok, you wanted to know the reasons why I should have the shirt, so here we go.
1. I am the first to comment
2. I love following your blog
3. I am a fan of the Park Wife on Facebook
4. I love it when the Park Wife gives her good friends clothes ;)
5. I can't wait till we can get-together again
5. Can I give you a call and tell you the rest?
I hope that gets me a shirt
I should have this shirt hand-delivered to my front door because:
1. I am not the first to comment (So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many be called, but few chosen. Matthew 20:16). :)
2. I knew you before you were The Park Wife, high school cheer captain, Dusty, or even a junior high school student.
3. Having moved enought that my 6th grade son is in his 6th school, I consider myself a modern-day pioneer woman.
4. I love winning things.
5. I love you!
First off let me say I follow your blog on Google Reader. I came to you awhile back via the PW site.
If I could do my life over I would really want to live on a cattle ranch. I tried. I grew up in Texas-- one point. I rode horses as a youth-- one point. I love cowboy clothes and boots-- one point. And I have a bit of an accent-- one point. HOWEVER I fell head over in love with a computer geek. Crash and burn.
I did grew up backpacking in the White Mountain Wilderness and the Gila National Forest. So my second dream was to live in a remote site by the forest. Your life. But-- no go.
I enjoy your blog. Love the fact that your children can run and camp without a fence surrounding them.
So the reason I should win the shirt-- no good ones really. I love my man and my life. I would just also love the t-shirt.
ooh I want the shirt!! I should win because I'm a medium and brown is my color! ha! and I love PW!
~I should win the shirt because mail is my most favorite thing in the whole world!
~I always send thank you notes in the mail (I haven't sent thank you's out for this Christmas yet, but I am a work in progress!!) so you will be receiving mail back!!
~I have always dreamed of being a pioneer since I was a girl....this shirt could be my first step!
~It would make me smile...and maybe even do a little dance if I won!
~While I have been typing this comment, blogger notified me that you left a comment on my blog....I think it is a sign!! :)
I already follow you (of course!!) and I follow your best blogging friend, PW.
I am a medium! God gave me a flat chest! WooHoo!
I gave you a blogging award, so I deserve to win because I gave you a shout out:
I follow you on Google Reader
You are on my blog roll.
Do I get to leave a second entry because I follow you? If not, then just delete this.
Do I get a third entry because I just blogged about it? Again, feel free to delete if I am doing this incorrectly.
Thank you kindly.
Here is the link:
And now I am a fan on Facebook.
Those tees DO tee do run small (mine is an extra large and I'm not swimming in it). But aren't you flattered that Ree thinks you're a size 2? :)
I loved reading your post about meeting Ree - in fact, I think that's when I found you. Thanks Ree, for linking to such a neat woman. :)
Oh, don't enter me in the contest and good luck to everybody!
P.S. I'm off to find you on Facebook....
Oh I was in Little Rock and missed out on the shirts too!!! When I saw on PW's blog that she had shirts, but not for LR I was so sad.
I just blogged about your give away. Check it out.
Just became a fan on facebook. Can you tell I really want the shirt?
And finally, I just clicked to follow you on your blog. So that is four chances to win the shirt. I am so excited!
I think I should win, because I too am a Pioneer Woman. Raised in the city with country in my blood from birth. I now live on a ranch in West Texas and have been out birthing baby goats this week (not actually birthing them...just helping the mamas).
Ok- I became a fan on facebook, became a follower of your blog. I really want that shirt. Will blog about you later today.
I think I should be the proud owner of the shirt because:
(1) I'm probably the only guy follower of your blog..or at least single guy anyway ;-)
(2) ummm....I'm your bother-in-law
(3) I would be looking scrumptious in a medium shirt being 220 lbs of pure manliness
(3) I boycott Face Book
(4)I didn't get any of your delicious crab dip at Christmas!!!!!, maybe I'm 219 1/2 lbs of pure manliness!
(5)I love the Buckaroos and Buckarette
My friend Christy told me about you! You must come to Star City to see us!!!
And I want that shirt!!
OK, I want that shirt. I deserve that shirt. Deserve? Do you think that's too strong of word? Well, let's list the ways I deserve the shirt:
1. I love free stuff. Nothing gives me a high like free stuff.
2. I don't own a brown shirt. True story!
3. I don't face book because I realize I have the potential to be a social addict, so I refrain completely.
4. I am on an envelope/all cash system, and there simply isn't an envelope for brown P-Dub t-shirts.
So. Please give me the t-shirt. I deserve it. I need it. I want it. GIVE IT TO ME!!!
i won one off her site and yes, they do fit snuggly. i got a medium and i usually wear a small and i was surprised at how snug it is. if your readers are a medium normally, they might be surprised at how tight it is.
Just wanted to stop by and say hey! I don't want to be entered in the contest - I already have one myself. And yes, mines a bit too small but I already tried it on. Actually got it on with a few ripping sounds to boot. It will not be seeing the light of day - for my husbands eyes only.
Too bad Hooters.
Okay...first, I'm commenting, just to comment!! I actually own three (yes, you read that right, THREE) P-Dub shirts. Well, technically, my 8 year old and 23 month old daughter's own two of them, but still! (For THAT story, read my "Mama M meet's P-Dub post from Nov.!!)!
Anywho...glad you thought the guac sounded good! It IS good!! I love it...and it goes fast!
Hi! Nice to meet you! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :) If I win and the shirt doesn't fit, I will be sure to pass it on!
Why should I have that pretty little t-shirt?
~Because I love those little swirly designs on it. :-)
Thank you so much for stopping by TNS and leaving a comment.
That is a really cool shirt but my dog doesn't even wear a medium. Will be interested to see just who gets it.
I should win because I am new to your blog but really enjoy it!
I did not get a chance to see PW when she was in Georgia but would love the shirt! :)
Let's see... I should have the shirt because I would be as proud as a peacock to wear it! :)I am a follower of your blog (which I love) and I am a fan on Facebook. :)
Oh no. I am reading that the medium t-shirt runs small? Darn that Ree! How can she eat all that butter and still make her medium t-shirts run small?
Take my name out of the hat- small I am not (nor is my daughter who I was going to give it to.)
Thanks for the opportunity though!
Ok,I think just the fact that since I am one of those who don't see you near often enough & the fact that I actually placed that Christmas card on the frige right next to last year's Christmas card of the two most adorable boys ever (yes, it was still there from last year) should at least get me in the pot. You add the fact that a medium shirt is great incentive to lose ALL of my baby weight after my blessing of joy arrives in April, I look great in brown, I live in Texas, oh, & I would follow you & your boys to Alaska & back on one of their great adventures should just put me over the top...If not I will just be happy to be able to forever pick your brain for great advice on raising a Great Warrior for Him.
I need this Gorgeous Pioneer Woman shirt as an incentive because I am not a MEDIUM but I long to be!! Maybe I will start to diet and exercise so it will fit me!! ;o)
I need this Gorgeous Pioneer Woman shirt as an incentive because I am not a MEDIUM but I long to be!! Maybe I will start to diet and exercise so it will fit me!! ;o)
I am also a follower on your blog which I enjoy very much.
I do not wear a medium but I will re gift it on my blog and getting a present is only 20 times better when they come from Japan. I wil throw in random/strange Japanese snacks for fun!
I became your fan on facebook.
This Ozarks farm chick really wants, needs and covets this shirt why;
-I am a size medium
-The shirt says, Pioneer Woman and that just rocks!
-all my other shirts have holes
-The cows on the Ponderosa are tired of my old ones.
-Don't ya'll think I'd look just too darn cute in it???
Thanks for the fun and ya'll have a blessed day!!!
I wear a size Medium and found your blog through the link to PW's website. Also I just made the White Chili from PW's site for my family today and it was awesome. Thanks much, Sheila
I stood in line for a LONG time in LR to get Ree to sign my THREE cookbooks. I heard about your blog from a friend who lives in Hope. I also heard that your 2 boys were precious. I think that takes me over the top with reasons to send the shirt to me!
Oh, I would love to win that shirt! My best friend and I drove from Amarillo to Ponca City, OK Thanksgiving weekend to have our cookbooks signed. She didn't have shirts at that signing, either. So glad she posted a link to your blog after her signing in Little Rock. We've been following her blog since Sept. '07. AND my hubby and I made two of her dishes tonight; Marinated Flanksteak and meatballs. I would love to win! Thank you for the chance!
I am now a follower!
Why or why do I need that shirt? LEt me say I pre-ordered 2 of PW's (That's what we call her, not that we are on a first name or initial basis) I had one book shiopped to my daughter on Oklahoma, the other to me.
Then PW goes to Oklahoma City to sign books. I maile dmy book to my daughter to get it signed.
Done deal, but PW was out of shirts. Oh I so want a shirt.
any size too big, I'll belt the darn thing, too small, I'll add seams , I JUST NEED A PW SHIRT!
What a great contest!! Who woulda thunk it? ;-) My southern is coming out in that statement girl. I have been following you for quite a while. I did not know you were on Facebook so I will look you up in just a second. I will put a blog up today about you. How are you going to choose the winner?
And I did win a contest on PW once before. She gave away 20 Snapfish gift certificates. I actually have used all my money yet. Maybe I can win this as well. That would be awesome since I couldn't get out to see PW when she came on a MONDAY to Atlanta!!!!
P.S. I could wear a medium :-)
I love the shirt! I don't quite where a medium...but I now how to sew and can turn a t-shirt into just about anything. Anyway, I would love to have my name thrown in the hat :)
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
I should win because packages in the mail make me happy, therefore, I spread the happiness. ;p
I follow you!
I should win the shirt cause I need a new shirts so badly! Ask my kids I'm wearing one with holes in it. PW's shirt is so beautiful! There would be no problem looking like a hooters girl for me cause... well I'm not very endowed. LOL!
Oh,oh,oh...pick me! Pick me! I would love to be the recipient of one of those beautiful shirts. Okay, so the medium would be a bit of a stretch but I could definitely work it out! =)
Okay - so I have friended you on Facebook! And, I've even started checking it more regularly. So, that's a plus, right? =
Okay - so I am now following you. And fully expect great things from it. =)
Hey - I just posted about your giveaway! Granted, it's a little late in the game but maybe some late night readers will pick it up and join in the fun! =)
Decided to jump in at the very last moment.
I want this shirt because it is the kind that is still classy enough to be worn by a 30-something gal.
I've been subscribed to your blog for a couple months now but just 'followed' today.
I am now a fan of your Facebook page.
Ohh pick me!
I am a fan of yours on facebook as well.
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