Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Arkansas Women Blogger Meetup Huge Success

Just over a year ago, I sat in line for four hours to get a cookbook signed by the extraordinary Pioneer Woman. I met many wonderful women in line that night and as I was driving the two hours home, I thought about the fact that I was not the only woman blogger in Arkansas. A few months later I started a little blog to try and wrangle all these women into one place in the bloggity world. Arkansas Women Bloggers was born. After a few months it was evident that I needed some help, enter Fawn of Instead of the Dishes and Julie of Willow Tree Creek Farm stage right.

For a while we put up posts of Arkansas bloggers on the site and we chit chatted about how much fun it would be to have some type of meetup or even *GASP* a blog conference. After looking at several college football schedules (because that is how all events in the Fall in the South are planned), it kind of got put on the back burner. And, then enter Katie McManners of the Museum of Discovery stage left. I was talking to Katie on the phone about their MOD Voices series where she asked me to write a guest post for the museum. I learned quickly that if you put Katie and I together, ideas and excitement rule the day.

From that initial conversation, the first Arkansas Women Bloggers Meetup hosted by the Museum of Discovery was born. With the enormous generosity of Petit Jean Meats (who has the most delicious food and they ship to your door), along with Boulevard Bread Company, Kroger, drink sponsor Momcation, and the extraordinary blogger/cupcake maker Elaine Hodges of Cupcake Crazy Arkansas, the event was planned.

Forty-five women bloggers, "the whos who of women bloggers in Arkansas" according to Katie McManners, descended upon the museum this past Saturday. For over two hours we networked, met new friends, shared information, and enjoyed being inspired by speakers LaTonya Richardson and Kyran Pittman.

collage by Gina of Desperately Seeking Gina

The day would not have been possible without the help of my extraordinary friends Fawn and Julie. Ladies, you are an inspiration to me and proof that valuable, true friendships can be made in the bloggy world. I am a better woman for knowing you both. Now, let's get to work on that conference, haha. I would also like to thank my new friend LaTonya, you are composed, articulate, funny, true to the woman God created you to be and I am so glad I can call you friend.

For all of you Arkansas bloggers, stay tuned on Arkansas Women Bloggers for information on what we have up our sleeves next and for those of you who are not from the Natural State, think about planning a meetup in your area, it is a BLAST!

Inspired and Grateful,
The Park Wife


Fawn said...

Great post, lady. So glad I got to play a supporting role on your stage. You did an awesome job pulling this together.

Kyran said...

Thanks for having me! It was a pleasure to meet you, and all the other Arkansas Women Bloggers. :-)

Julie said...

You are so sweet! I totally forgot that we were both at the Pioneer Women Book signing too! My husband was the "Post-it Note Guy". We have been destined to meet each other in person! I am so glad it finally happened. I really look forward to a long and wonderful friendship with you and Fawn and all the other ladies!

Unknown said...

I wondered how it went!
I do hope it's "in the cards" that I can come the next time...sounds like you chicks had fun. :)

Amanda said...

Happy New Year! So glad the meetup was a success, as I knew it would be. Hoping the next one is not too far away!