I saw a translation of that scripture that said "in the way he should go (according to his bent)". This intrigues me as I have seen my good friend and mentor mom Penny discover the calling of all three of her children and did everything she could to enhance the abilities, bent, that the Lord gifted them with.
Their oldest, Daniel, was interested in horticulture at a young age. Penny taught him science, math, history, and I am sure many other subjects through this passion of his. He is a recent graduate of College of the Ozarks and his first job is the head of landscape at one of the largest hotels in Branson. He is interested in politics, we need Godly men of character like Daniel leading our country. He has my vote!
Their second child, who I have mentioned here on my blog is Susanna, she is a jewel. She is pretty much the only person who keeps my children and when she is here she is not just being a "babysitter" she is helping to teach and train the Buckaroos. She had a love for children early and Penny saw that. Not only has Penny been a wonderful example of a mother, she has continually showed Susanna what it means to be a help meet for her husband (which Susanna does not have yet) and a Godly mother who will train her children according to God's Word. Susanna has already earned her associate's degree from the community college at 19 and works at a local school. She wants to be a wife and mother, now that is an incredible calling.
Then there is their youngest, Luke. Big Buckaroo and I are always saying, "I will take a Luke any day". If our boys grow up to love the Lord and be full of life and joy as Luke is, I will be one happy mom. Luke has been working since 13 I believe for various ranchers/farmers in the area. He, like all is siblings, have a wonderful work ethic. He just turned 17, graduated early (homeschooler) and will attend the College of the Ozarks in the Spring (plus he already has many of his basics out of the way from the local community college). He did go through a period where he wanted to go to rodeo clown college (I love that!), but he is going to major in Agriculture and wants to be a rancher one day.
Every time I comment on how wonderful it is that her children are passionate about, love, and are good at what they are planning for a career in life, Penny always says "fall on your face before the Lord and ask Him what He has planned for your children". I am so blessed to have a woman who is so wise to help train me.
With a 5 1/2-year-old and even our 2 1/2 year-old, I ask God regularly to make it plain to me what the Buckaroo's bents are. Right now, Little Buckaroo wants to be President for 8 years to make enough money to go be an Indian, live in a tepee and hunt buffalo. He has been through a lot of stages in his 5 1/2 years.
And, Littlest Buckaroo just wants to be a "bucking bull muscle man cowboy" (his exact words). Lord, give me strength.
And, Littlest Buckaroo just wants to be a "bucking bull muscle man cowboy" (his exact words). Lord, give me strength.
Here is Littlest Buckaroo during one of his practice sessions.

"Pull the gate mommy!"
"Ride 'em Littlest Buckaroo."
"Did I make it 8 seconds mommy?
Another day, another adventure,
The Park Wife
It is amazing when their passions truly become revealed. My oldest is already planning to be an orthodontist or oral surgeon - his talents and grades support that dream. My youngest wants to be a wife, mommy and to have a cheer school. She's already babysitting and works at cheer camps during school breaks.
There is nothing better than finding God's will for your life and fulfilling that destiny. Your boys are adorable and that "bull rider" looks like a winner to me!
I sent your "blog" to daughter and her son. We will see....
Love, Betty in Oklahoma
Oh I love it....It is so wonderful to have Godly friends. I had one till she passed Sept th of 2007. I miss her still to this day. When I need advise about my grown children she isn't there any more. I know how special those friends are so I know you truly appreciate yours.
I love the bull rider stage. Your boys are so cute, so active, so full of life, so so...all boys!!!
You are very blessed. I was showing my grandson your pictures of Lucky and Tonto, could you do an update, I love and miss both of them. Thanks.
This is something I think about daily. I just pray I am helping them to go in the right direction.
Littlest looks like he has pretty good form to be a bullrider. :)
Which of the Branson hotels is Daniel working at? I was taking a look at all the different hotels and didn't know which one to stay in!
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