Thursday, December 17, 2009

A Tradition Junkie

Hello, I am The Park Wife and I am a tradition junkie. (Let me hear you say "Hello Park Wife"). And, of course I love all things Southern. So, I covet Southern Christmas traditions, yes I know I am not supposed to covet.

Here is the twist, I like the simplicity of my life and am trying to keep the holidays from getting out of hand. Oh, what a quandary, but I am learning to embrace it.

Here are a few of the things that happen around our park home during the holidays.

I love baking and cooking while listening to Christmas music. I even break out in a little kitchen jig with the Buckaroo's every once in a while, when I really get in the spirit. You know, a little Jingle Bell Rock gets me cutting a rug. Plus, the maintenance staff loves my cinnamon rolls, hopefully they won't stop by during our dance sessions, it would mess up our groove.

Our boys always get matching pajamas for Christmas Eve and then they have to sit in front of the tree for pictures. I make sure they are soft and comfy so they will tolerate me saying "just one more picture". Then, we sit by the fireplace and read the Christmas story from Luke.

As far as decorating, our home will not be featured in Southern Living any time soon. But, it is warm and cozy and I even have a little bright and shiny going on this year. Of course, there is always a Charlie Brown Christmas tree at our house, I am learning to deal with that.

Our kids get three gifts from us, um....that is how many Jesus got and by golly it is HIS birthday we are celebrating. Although I grew up with Santa Claus and am not totally warped, we choose not to do that at our home. We focus on the reason for the season. Plus, with friends and grandparents getting them presents, they get a little over indulged. Remember I strive for simplicity, it does not come easily. We have taught the boys that they do not tell other kids there is not a Santa, we tell them it is a game some families play and we don't want to ruin the game for them. And, most of all, we do NOT judge people who choose to celebrate with Santa. Enough judging others already!

We also love to drive around and look at Christmas lights in our nearest town. You know I search out the tacky ones, I can't help it, it just makes me laugh. Then I think about how much their power bill will be next month and am glad that we are not lit up at our house.

There are a few more traditions we do and you never know, I might add a new one this year. These traditions give our children a shared past that they can pass on to future generations. Remember, there’s no reason to purposely create a tradition if it doesn’t fit with your family culture, or if it doesn’t mean anything to you. Enjoy your holidays, have fun and make wonderful memories.

In all your ways acknowledge Him,
The Park Wife


Sandy said...

One of our family traditions that I think will also work well for your family is our traditional Christmas dinner dessert. We always have birthday cake for Baby Jesus. Some years we bake it and some years the bakery bakes it, but we always have it.

Merry Christmas.

The Lumberjack's Wife said...

Love the 3 gift idea! Merry Christmas!
Sounds like you are making many wonderful memories over there.

T. Powell Coltrin said...

Personally, I think traditions are more important than the gifts.

I don't know how I feel about Santa. But if people want me to play along, that's fine with me.

I wish I would have thought of the three gifts idea.

Marge said...

We also did the three gift tradition. But I took it further, and each year the kids got something to wear, something to read, and something to play with. They also were warned not to tell other children that mom and dad were really the Santas because some families play that game. I believe traditions are so important for kids. Much more so than the amount of money spent on the gift.

Melissa said...

I love traditions too! Right now my blog post talks about our Christmas Tree ornament tradition... traditions make me happy!

Melissa said...

And we give Hayden two gifts: one from mommy and one from daddy...

And we do the Santa thing (so he brings some too).

Gina said...

We do three gifts, too! Makes the holidays so much more simple!!!! And my kids so much less greedy!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Park Wife .. . I'm Prissy Running Mama . . .after reading a few of your posts, I must say you are delightful!!! I'm so glad I found your blog. . . as I think I've found a new friend. . .you and I have very much in common. I totally agree with you about Santa . . everything you said even down to the telling your kids not to spoil it for other kids. I give you a big, cyber high 5!!

Being a Southern gal myself, I'm huge on tradition and plan to be blogging about some of our Christmas traditions later this week!!

Unknown said...

We do have Santa at our house although since Tori-bug is 9 this year I think she will figure it out soon. She has not asked me straight up yet and when she does I WILL tell her the truth. We DO celebrate the reason for the season and always be sure to let her know that is what Christmas is all about. She only gets 3 gifts from Santa, usually pretty good gifts which are not wrapped. The other gifts come from us. We have scaled way back this year though. Most of the time, it is gifts from us that she needs, not wants, i.e. clothes, shoes, etc. Merry Christmas!!

Carrie said...

I love reading about your traditions! Simple is best. They are the most memorable and meaningful. Have a very Merry Christmas!